360° Feedback Services

A Comprehensive View of Leadership Performance

In today’s competitive business landscape, effective leadership is critical to achieving long-term success. However, understanding the full scope of a leader’s strengths, weaknesses, and areas for growth can be challenging. That’s where our 360° Feedback Services come in.

At Spectacular at Work, we provide a holistic, data-driven feedback process that gives leaders a clearer picture of how they are perceived by their peers, direct reports, and supervisors. Our approach empowers executives to refine their leadership skills, enhance team performance, and drive strategic growth.

what is 360° feedback?

360° feedback is a powerful tool that gathers input from multiple sources—executives, colleagues, direct reports, and other key stakeholders—providing a well-rounded assessment of a leader’s effectiveness. Unlike traditional top-down evaluations, 360° feedback delivers nuanced insights from all levels of the organization, revealing how leaders are truly impacting the workplace.

The data gathered from the 360° provides a foundation so participants can build an action plan that allows them to have a greater impact as an individual, team member, and leader.

How does it work?

Our 360° feedback process is designed to be seamless, confidential, and impactful. We work with you to create a customized program tailored to your organization’s needs and leadership objectives. Here’s what to expect:

  • Comprehensive Survey Design
    We create tailored questionnaires that reflect your organization’s leadership competencies and values. Feedback is gathered across key areas such as communication, decision-making, emotional intelligence, and leadership effectiveness.

  • Confidential Feedback Collection
    Feedback is collected from a range of stakeholders, including peers, direct reports, managers, and external partners if relevant. All responses are confidential, ensuring honest, constructive feedback.

  • In-Depth Analysis and Reporting
    Once the feedback is collected, we provide detailed, easy-to-understand reports that highlight key strengths, areas for improvement, and themes across the feedback. Our analysis includes personalized recommendations for development.

  • Executive Coaching and Development Plans
    To ensure lasting impact, we work with the participant to understand their feedback and translate it into a developmental action plan. We have participants share this action plan with their manager, when applicable, to ensure alignment of development goals. We also provide ongoing support to reinforce leadership development and track progress over time.

Who Can Benefit from 360 Feedback?

  • C-suite Executives
    Gain a holistic understanding of your leadership effectiveness and how your actions impact the organization’s culture and performance. Our feedback process empowers senior leaders to foster stronger, more collaborative teams.

  • Senior Leadership Teams
    Equip your entire leadership team with the insights needed to enhance their influence, align with corporate objectives, and elevate organizational performance.

  • Emerging Leaders
    Identify future leadership potential and ensure emerging talent is equipped with the feedback necessary to develop into strong, effective leaders.


Unlock Leadership Excellence with 360 Feedback

When leaders receive clear, actionable feedback from those around them, they are empowered to grow, adapt, and lead more effectively. Our 360° Feedback Services provide executives with the insights they need to drive personal growth and organizational success.

Contact us today to learn more about how our tailored 360° feedback solutions can transform your leadership team and accelerate your company’s growth.