More & Forever Interview Series — Episode 1
Welcome to More and Forever, a Spectacular at Work interview series! Our first guest is Nancy Coletto, SVP, Central Region Practice Leader, Aon Health Solutions business, with phenomenal advice on establishing and growing key client relationships. Watch our first episode and check below for our key takeaways.
Make sure you’re always putting clients at the center of what you do; as Nancy says, “You can’t go wrong if you put what’s best for the client first.”
The nuanced difference between leading leaders and leading individual contributors
Serving a client—who is an individual—and understanding that that client works and exists within the context of an organization—which creates a real need to adjust and be dynamic in the advice and counsel we provide
Shifting the mindset about what it means to “sell”
Key moments
[1:43] Nancy’s career evolution—squiggly line determined by “what is meaningful to me”
[4:35] Leading a team of leaders—going beyond helping individual contributors, to learning how to be a leader of leaders
[5:33] Encouraging people to find their own strength and allow them to find their learning journey. As Nancy puts it, I’m a “guide, supporter, and counselor.”
[8:49] How a sales leader can make an impact even when they are not directly involved in the selling process
[11:55] An important lesson Nancy learned while creating a More and Forever client relationship
[16:40] What is one of the challenges Account Executives face in creating More and Forever relationships?
[18:31] What does it really mean to earn the right to serve our clients forever?
[20:32] The role NPS/ customer satisfaction scores play in keeping and growing client relationships
[23:22] Do you experience team members who are concerned about seeming “salesy” and how do you help them with that perception?
[25:53] “There is something so centered about knowing I work for an organization that says, “put the client first.” When you put the client first, almost everything else falls into place.”
[26:15] Book recommendations—Nancy and Trish!
[26:34] The importance of fitting the organization you work for
[29:46] What our kids think/thought we do for work!
[31:37] “They may not know what I do for work, but they know what is important to me”—three things Nancy’s children have learned from observing her career
[33:25] Nancy’s final thoughts . . . your North Star