More & Forever Interview Series — Episode 7


For episode 7 of the More and Forever interview series, Trish is joined by Scott Millson, President, HUB International Florida Employee Benefits. Scott and Trish reconnected (after a decade!) when she read his 30ish for 30 blog series full of inspirational stories, wisdom and advice he has gathered over 30(ish) years from his Leadership Mosiac. Trish and Scott jump right into their conversation (as if they catch up every day—that’s what relationship depth does) about building trust-based relationships throughout your career and life.  



  • Create your own Leadership Mosiac and be a part of someone else’s

  • Relationship depth is more aligned to More and Forever than relationship breadth

  • Nurture mutually beneficial (equally yoked) relationships

  • The name on the back of your jersey IS as important as the name on the front.

  • Listening to clients is more important than what you have to say. It is about how you can help them; not how they can help you.


[1:54] Scott’s 30ish for 30 blog series—where the inspiration for it came from 

[3:23] Scott’s career evolution   

[6:51] What does a more and forever relationship mean to you? “You could see that they were trying to create genuine relationships based on a foundation of trust, and that’s how I define more and forever”

[9:13] Creating a mutually beneficial relationship, “that’s the test of whether it’s a strong relationship or not.”

[14:03] How and why do we need to create our leadership mosaic?

[18:37] Balancing work and family—leading by example

[21:20] Prioritizing family “I made that decision around family and that was really important for us” 

[22:45] The team’s responsibility in creating more and forever

[25:12] Building relationships that can withstand big changes - that’s more and forever

[26:15] What do you look for in your team members

[27:40] How do you manage your own personal brand and your organization’s brand?

[32:44] How does the trust equation fit into your work?

[34:10] Getting into the head and the heart of who you are working with

[36:54] Scott watching (and guiding) his oldest son build and grow his own business

[41:10] What is a little thing that you can do consistently to build trust? 

[43:15] Can we have forever without more?  

[46:40] “We all have to recognize that there is change [that happens] within an organization”

[52:11] “Too often, salespeople feel that their value is what they say… ”

[58:19] On LinkedIn: “Use it as a tool to build dept, not breadth”